IQRA-DRIVING has the most number of accesible branches nationwide

Featured Courses & Services

Choose from variety of vehicles, Schedule and instractors that fits your needs.

Theoretical Driving Course (TDC)

Aspiring drivers are now required to
attend 15-hour Theoretical Driving Course
before applying for student permits.
Starts at KShs 11,500

Practical Driving Course (PDC)

Drive any of our 170+ latest training
vehicles at scheduled time slots.
Starts at KShs 7,500

Motorcycle Riding Course (MRC)

Future riders can now learn how to
navigate the roads safely.
Starts at KShs 5,700


Our track record of producing safe drivers helps make us the country’s premiere driving school.

Proven Track Record

Over four decades of producing thousands of safe and educated drivers.

Easy Access

Over 50 branches nationwide.

Proper Learning

Theoretical classes are conducted in 26 classrooms nationwide before students undergo practical driving lessons.

Learning Facility

Our 6 Training Centers serve as a complete training ground for student drivers, away from the hustle and bustle of city streets.

Standard Training

Our Standard Uniform Instruction Technique SUIT ensures students across the nation get the same quality IQRA education.

Quality Instructors and Trainors

Learn from LTO and TESDA certified trainors.

Find a Branch Near You

Need help in locating a branch?

Inquire at +63.2.8532.2272, +63.942.382.7688 or +63.906.276.0011 from Monday – Saturday, 8:00am – 6:00pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our courses and services are backed by four decades of experience.

1. How much does your Practical Driving Course (PDC) cost?

Our course fees are designed depending on your level of need: Beginner (20-30 Hours), Intermediate (10-15 Hours) or Refresher (8 Hours). Fees starts at P4,000. Visit our Courses page for more info.

2. What is the minimum age to learn how to drive? And what are the requirements?

Minimum age is 17 years old. You need a Student Permit to start behind-the-wheel training. The requirements are posted here.

3. What do I need to bring during my practical driving sessions?

All students are required to bring their student permit or driver’s license (with LTO O.R.), IQRA-DRIVING ID and O.R. as proof of payment during actual driving lessons. Please wear proper clothing and footwear; sleeveless shirt, short pants, slippers and sandals are strictly not allowed. For security reasons, do not bring firearms or any deadly weapons and valuable belongings (ex: jewelries). IQRA Driving shall not be liable for any lost belongings.

Enrolling is Easy as

1. Choose your course

2. Register

3. Pay your fees

12Years of Safety.

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